Adriane Smith


"Helping authors, professionals and small businesses
express their own brand of brilliance"


Adriane Smith is the first professional editor I ever worked with. I was a bit nervous to think of someone editing my work.

Adriane's compassionate and confident manner put me immediately at ease. Her genuine respect for my authorial perspective, her eye for clarity, and fantastic sense of humor made the entire editorial process a joy.

This very particular writer highly recommends this very gifted wordsmith.

Rachel Kellum

Wordsmithing Writing, Refining, Editing & Proofing

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Brand Expression

Figure out what's brilliant about you and how to best express it


Custom Service Packages

Set yourself up to be great! Create a structure of ongoing support that ensures you and your work stand out (for all the right reasons).

Support can be arranged by the hour or the objective.
Let’s discuss how to create the most value for you – and the best results for your business.


"I sought Adriane Smith's help in getting the attention of senior executives to advance a corporate proposal. Her ability to refine and efficiently communicate the core agenda was invaluable. My proposal received a successful response within hours of submission – unprecedented in that organization!

I’ve engaged Adriane in several other projects and seen impressive results every time. Her ability to take any subject and convey the heart of the message in a clear and graceful manner, while maintaining the author’s voice, is outstanding. And, she couldn’t be more enjoyable to work with.

I recommend her to anyone who needs to capture the reader’s attention and get ideas across with clarity, strength, and professionalism."

– Karen Coats
