Adriane Smith


"Helping authors, professionals and small businesses
express their own brand of brilliance"

A Partial List of Recent Projects


"Publisher’s Weekly awarded my book a rare Red Star (which denotes recommended purchases for all libraries), and in the review they noted my 'dash of tongue-in-cheek cheer.' Do you have any idea how hard it was to find an editor who could honor my 'tongue-in-cheek cheer'?
The most important thing in choosing an editor is to make sure they are on the same page with you (pun intended) – otherwise you lose your voice. Adriane not only 'got me,' she really helped bring out the personality of the book.

Most editors can organize content and check for errors, but it wasn’t easy to find one who could also season, condense and clarify my words so they came across with pop and flair. Adriane does all of that, and she’s easy to work with too. I highly recommend her – two pens way up!"

~ Elaine Wilkes, Ph.D |

   Author of Nature's Secret Messages:
   Hidden in Plain Sight  
(Hay House, 2010)


"I am constantly receiving compliments about how well written my work is. I simply smile and say thank you – but I don’t let on that my secret ingredient is… Adriane!

That’s the beauty of a good editor – it sounds like you, only better!


Adriane is focused, grounded, compassionate and ethical. You can trust her with your words and ideas. She can make them flow so they end up reading the way you meant them to in the first place!


You would be wise to hire this woman."

~ Maggie Crane |

   Author of AMAZING GRAYS – A Woman's

   Guide to Making the Next 50 the Best 50


"Adriane Smith is a colleague I have recommended to quite a few people – but I always tell them, she’s not ‘just’ an editor. Within the publishing world, she possesses a unique set of skills.

She can look at a project from several angles at once – content, branding, positioning, marketing strategies, audience perspectives, current trends and more – and find the words that really work.

Beyond her talent to shape sentences and craft paragraphs, I am constantly impressed with her 'holistic' perspective. Like no one else I know, she can bring the big picture down to the details.

Having consulted her on many projects and shared a number of clients, I know that Adriane is easy to work with — and I always have the deep, sincere feeling that the client's work is in good hands." 

~ Andrew Chapman |

   Founder, Social Motion Publishing |

   Past President (2003-2010), Publishers & Writers
   of San Diego


Now I know why you do what you do!  WOW! 
How'd you do that? You definitely have the touch! Every little detail – you thought it all out. You're BRILLIANT.
Fabulous work, Adriane!! A BIG thank you! We're most grateful.
I really love your style. You're so easy to understand and work with! You're the BEST!"

~ Candace Pittenger


"For nearly a decade, Adriane has been my go-to person for strong, clear writing. She’s written my newsletters, flyers, critical correspondence and more, and every single time, she just nails it! She really captures the essence of her clients.

Before she does anything, she really listens to me and what I need, repeating what she’s hearing and asking for clarification. Adriane is very in tune with what people are really trying to get across – and she’s not afraid to be honest when something isn’t working.

She’s gentle, but direct, and her natural eloquence makes her one of the best writers I’ve ever seen.”

~ Margaret Ganz


"I have worked with the talented Adriane Smith for three years on a product-development team that carved a new pathway between business and academia.

In our work together, I found Adriane to be bright, intellectual, creative on many levels, perceptive, and able to think outside of the box. And above all, she is honest and sincere.

She is an excellent writer and a disciplined editor, truly a wordsmith with unique abilities. I really enjoy working with her and I highly recommend her."

~ Joe Cirillo 

   Co-founder of Cooper Rand (direct mail marketing)
   and Our Evolving Minds (leadership



           Hidden in Plain Sight
by Elaine Wilkes, Ph.D.

Branding Strategies
for Business Professionals

by Simon Vetter


Amazing Grays:
How to Make the Next 50
Your BEST 50

by Maggie Rose Crane




  Journey Into Motherhood:
  Inspirational Stories of Natural Birth

  by Sheri Menelli

The Mini-Retreat Solution:
How to Relax and Refresh Anytime, Anywhere

by Julia James




Building a Hire Vision:
How to Find, Hire & Empower
Exceptional People


Magic of the MasterMind:
How to Ignite the Power of People

to Create Extraordinary Results


  Mapping Your Path:
  A Workbook About YOU

  by Margaret Page



  "SPARK" |

  "A Page of Insight" |

  "Leverage Your Business, Love Your Life" |



  Dow Jones "Market Watch" column

  Social Grace in Modern Times


  "Indigo Leadership and the Invisible Link: The Key to Bridging
   Gaps in Business" by Bruce Doyle, III

  "Advanced Rear Light Sensor Systems" by Philip Heelan