Adriane Smith


"Helping authors, professionals and small businesses
express their own brand of brilliance"

What people are saying...

"I can say without hesitation that Adriane was the best decision I ever made for my companies’ marketing & PR campaigns.

Her skills go far beyond wordsmithing. In the 10 years we’ve worked together, she’s helped us develop the branding, marketing, social media presence, PR, and critical communications for two product lines and a complex international conglomerate.

She has proven invaluable in strategizing, writing and editing our presentations, websites, press releases, product promotions, white papers and more. She takes the time to understand our projects and target audience, and asks insightful questions that drill down to the core of our USP and brand. She works closely with our executive and creative teams through every stage, from concept to delivery, and brings a strategic perspective to every word we broadcast to our partners, customers, and the public.

Adriane is exceptionally talented and easy to work with. I highly recommend her to any organization that needs clear, concise, strategic marketing material to articulate and promote their business."

~ Brian Tedesco, CEO of JSN Holdings



"Whenever Adriane writes for me (and she has written a lot over the years!), I read her work and think, 'YEAH, that's exactly what I wanted to say!'

Beyond the fact she’s a talented writer, she is so strategic and intuitive that she really brings out the best in my material – and she does it in MY voice.

What really works for me is that she’s easy to work with. We yap on the phone like old friends, I share my ideas with her, and then she will write something really impactful from our call! More often than not, she hits a home run with the first draft.

A great bonus, Adriane is quite business savvy. She helps me think about my brand, content, and marketing from new angles, and she works with my entire business in mind.

Bottom line: Adriane is always a consummate professional. Her work is consistently excellent, she’s flexible and accommodating, and she's willing to do what it takes to meet a tight deadline.

I highly recommend Adriane without hesitation to my clients and colleagues. She is a great asset to any business team."

~ Teresia LaRocque, Master Certified Coach |









"I heard great things about Adriane from a trusted colleague, so I asked her to write some articles for my consulting business. Although my area of expertise (contract negotiation for healthcare providers) was foreign to her, she asked all the right questions.

Her writing is right on the mark, she’s easy to work with, and she saved me so much time and effort!

One day at home, in the midst of a fatherly lecture, my daughter challenged me to write down all my advice and put it in a book. The kids laughed, knowing their dad was no writer.

I saw this as a worthy challenge, so I secretly called Adriane and we set up a two-month plan to extract the information from my brain and produce a printed book. She arranged my thoughts into chapters, staying remarkably true to my voice, and she helped me work through the rough spots on what I really wanted to say. She also suggested simple ways to personalize a copy for each kid (and my wife). I had it printed and bound, complete with family photos, and delivered them on Christmas Eve. Everyone was in tears.


I never could have done it on my own, but with Adriane’s help, I’ve been able to write things that will continue to support my ideas, values and dreams for a long time."


~ Mark Marten, Principal of Athena Group Consulting









"I have been working with Adriane Smith as my editor and writer for quite a while now, and time and time again I am impressed with her clear and concise yet friendly writing style.

In fact, that’s what drew me to her in the first place. She was writing for another coach and interviewed me for a story. I was so impressed with her interviewing style and the material she produced that I wanted to use her work in my business too!


I am always pleased with Adriane’s ability to adapt to my writing style and bring my messages to life, often better than I ever could. I was especially impressed with her editing of my book, The Mini-Retreat Solution. Her attention to detail, combined with her big picture vision and ability to hone in on key messages really made my book come alive!


Adriane is a writer and editor who really understands the coaching industry and I highly recommend her to any coach who wants to get her/his message across in writing."





~ Julia James, CPCC, PCC |
